Out and about
Adrian and I are out quite a bit over the next couple of weeks. Here's where we're going to be, if you fancy popping by and saying hi:
- Adrian's going to be at Gamehotel in Zurich on Friday 19th and Saturday 20th October
- You might bump in to me at the Teen Rage - Anarchy in the UK? on Thursday 10th October. The RSA is reporting that the event's full at the moment, but it's always worth giving them a ring if you want to get in...
- Both Adrian and me are taking part in the Play/Time Games Lab, which is running from Monday 22nd to Friday 26th October
- On Wednesday 24th October, I'm going to be running the second London Gamer Geeks Quiz with fellow Six to Starter James Wallis and friend of Six to Start Tom Armitage
- I'm going to be giving a quick talk about ARGs at Gamecity (don't click on the first link, there's a horrible photo of me) on Saturday 27th October