We can haz Katamari?
Beautiful Katamari for the 360 arrived yesterday in advance of its street date. There are some irritating niggles: there's no autosave after every level, and for a console that's got (for most people) a spanking hard drive attached to it, it really does take a while to save and load games. A surprisingly long time, in fact: one that makes you feel as if the game's crashed.
On the other hand, with a big enough screen, and sitting close enough to it (read: too close), it's possible to get very quickly seasick and headachey, which is the main impression I walked (nay, stumbled) away with after about half an hour's worth of play. Everyone else managed to have more fun with it, though, but we were disappointed that there didn't appear to be a quickstart for split-screen co-op/versus play.
Oh well. Time to find a chipped PS2...